Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sitting in Judgement

I am lucky enough to live in Houston, where Beth Moore has her weekly Bible study. The topic of our current study is Revelation. We are attempting to get through the Book of Revelation in 11 weeks. Clearly, we are not going to be able to study the whole book in-depth. Revelation is a book that has always intimidated me. My perfunctory knowledge includes the fact that judgement is one of the themes of the book. However, the book has always held mystery to me.

It is not always easy to make friends with other moms. I click with some immediately. I just know we will get along (I usually realize later that these women have many of the same traits my husband possesses). Others, make me leery. I know many moms are very judgemental. Some like to engage in the "mommy wars". I am not sure what the allure is to propagating these battles. They are not productive. They are unkind. It is not always clear which mom is going to be the "judgy" one. It is enough to make this mama nervous.

All I can figure out is this judgement comes from a place of insecurity. Since many of us are very insecure, it is much easier to rush to judgement than admit to this dirty little secret. I think this is especially true of first time moms. It is even more true of first time moms who happen to give birth to their "easy" child first. They tend to think all kids are like their little angel. They have no idea what it is to have a, shall we say, spirited child.

Thus, I guess I do have a good understanding of one theme of Revelation. It's the others that are such a mystery.

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