Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Love of My Sweet Dog

We have two cocker spaniels named Ally and Sophie. Ally was my first "baby". She will be ten next month. I can't believe I have had her for almost ten years. When I graduated from Texas A&M in December of 1999, I did not know what to expect from the Real World. I had a job lined up at a major oil company in Houston doing accounting work.

I think my expectation was along the lines of college yet with people of all ages. I expected people to be motivated. I expected people to be helpful. I expected to make friends easily, as I had at A&M. In reality I entered a very difficult environment. There had just been a merger of two big companies. The workers from the taken-over company were unhappy and nervous. Their office location changed dramatically. The required attire changed dramatically. They suddenly had to pay for parking. There were new rules and a new culture to learn. In short, they were in the same situation as me. However, they had very different expectations and life experiences. Instead of being welcomed into a cohesive work group I was thrust into chaos. I didn't even get paid for a month. My original assignment changed after a week. Then I only had a week to learn the new job before my predecessor left the company. Thus, anxious excitement turned to plain anxiety.

I needed a release. I needed a friend in town. My college friends had all gone back to live at home, in the suburbs. I was the only one in town doing the single adult thing. Husband, who was Boyfriend at the time, was still in college. He was not going to graduate for over a year. I was lonely.

So, I got a puppy. I consulted no one. I made a decision. I wanted a friend. Ally became my friend. She and I would go on excursions together. She was thrilled to see me. While at work I would turn on the TV for her so she would not get lonely. She became an avid animal planet watcher (she still loves TV). This sweet dog has seen me through all of my adult life changes. She knows when I am upset and tries to cheer me up. She knows when I can't be cheered up and gets out of the way. She is good to the little ladies. She is lazy and laid back. In short, she is the perfect dog for me. I think I will give her some apple tonight for all her hard work. She'll love it.

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