Thursday, May 6, 2010


Quick question:  So where, exactly did Spring go?  It seems as it was January, Sweet Pea's birthday, and then I blinked.  Suddenly it is May.  Um, wow.  Sweet Pea only has two more weeks of school.  One of those weeks is short too.  I don't know how this happened.  Is life going to keep passing me by?  Every year is moving faster.  However, the days do not seem any shorter.  Gretchen Rubin has Four Splendid Truths.  My favorite is: The days are long, but the years are short.  I would suggest that each year is shorter than the last.  In some ways the fast pace is comforting.  It helps me realize most issues pass with time.  Waiting things out has become much easier.  Patience is in larger supply. 

Some of you know I want to be trained to be a postpartum doula.  I have decided to wait a year before pursuing my goal.  I want to wait until Panda Girl is in school more so I won't be missing out on this fun time with her.  Sweet Pea is going to start a five day school week next year.  Panda Girl will only attend two days/week.  Thus, leaving me three days per week to have one-on-one time with Panda Girl.  I have never had that much time with her and I am beyond excited.  I know I am going to enjoy our days together immensely and I don't want to miss that.  The following year Panda Girl will be attending three days a week.  I feel as if that is a good time to start training for an interesting new career. 

Being a doula is not at all what I thought I would do with my life.  I had always considered myself to be a "math" or numbers person.  However, I think what I really enjoy is problem solving.  I like to think of new ways to deal with issues.  Since I had a myriad of issues in my early years as a mother, I feel uniquely equipped to help other new moms. 

While I would love to start my training today, I can easily wait until next year.  I know it will come sooner than I realize. 

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