Monday, May 3, 2010


Do you ever feel like your life is a constant series of loose ends?  I can't seem to finish anything up lately.  Unfortunately, new priorities keep getting dumped in my lap.  In January or February I decided to have a yard sale.  The original date for the aforementioned sale was April 24.  There was no way I could pull that off with The Great Stomach Ache of 2010 in full swing on that date.  So, it got pushed back to this Saturday.  I still have not sorted through everything, yet there is no way I can postpone this any more.  Sweet Pea has her ballet recital next weekend and preschool is almost done for the year.  Somehow it has already been two months since I had a hair cut (mine is short, thus the need to cut frequently is great).  I can't remember the last time my house had a really good scrubbing, and I don't want to figure it out either.  I know that would just lead to feeling grossed out. 

This past weekend I packed up the little ladies and took them an hour north to visit my parents.  Husband stayed home, ostensibly work on the house.  However, when I called on Saturday he was at a crawfish boil, ahem.  Anyway, it is fun to visit the grandparents and all but it is exhausting.  The first night we were there I may have slept 4 hours, maybe.  I have yet to recover.  I put the little ladies down for naps today and I nestled in to read (shocking, I know).  The next thing I knew I was hearing Panda Girl cry and I was totally confused.  I thought it was morning.  I had slept so soundly that I woke completely disoriented.  A cup of coffee later I am still sluggish.  Sometimes I wonder why I decide to do things that I know will be tiring just before an especially busy week.  Why do I expect to be superwoman?

Anyway, this superwoman is going to spend the evening on the couch and go to bed early.  Hopefully that will give me the energy I need to get through this insane week.  Here's the thing: there are lots of fun things to look forward to this week.  I do not want to be dreading it.  On Friday, Husband and I are having lunch with a development director at the zoo because they want our input on fun activities for those who give charitably.  How can I not look forward to someone wanting MY opinion?  I have always LOVED to give input, even when it is unsolicited and unwelcome.  This guy actually asked us to think about ways to have fun at the zoo.  A sweet college roommate is doing the garage sale with me on Saturday.  Her sweet girls are around the same ages as my little ladies.  Thus, all three of them are spending the night on Friday.  I am so excited.  It is the first slumber party for my girls and I know they will have a blast.  Plus, I get to catch up with one of my favorite people.  Then on Mother's Day, we are going to have breakfast with the sea lions at the zoo.  We get to help feed them and have photos taken with them.  For some people this would be a nightmare, but for me it is pure heaven on Earth.  What a fabulous Mother's Day gift. 

All this to say, I need to rest up so I can truly enjoy what is to come.  I do not want to miss out on any of the fun activities coming my way.  So, I need to go sleep. 

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