Sunday, January 3, 2010


Like most people, I have resolutions this year. I know mine are typical, but they are mine nonetheless. My resolutions are not just for myself, but for my family as well.

Here they are:

1. Exercise a minimum of 3 days/week, hopefully 4.

2. Eat healthy. I'm talking salads and quinoa. Egg white omelets and whole grain toast.

3. Start insisting my little ladies eat the food placed in front of them. No negotiations. No bribing. Basically they are being told, "Eat what is prepared for you and eat it now. Otherwise you will be waiting for the next snack time or meal time.". It has worked so far, I'm hoping it becomes our new normal.

4. Get a babysitter and go out with Husband and/or friends twice a month.

5. Get some real work done on our house. There is much to do and I need to start.

6. Go to bed early. My goal is to get up 30 minutes to an hour before the little ladies wake. I think that time to eat breakfast alone will set me up well for the day. Here's the obstacle: I. Hate. Mornings. Hate them. Always have. I think this will be the most challenging resolution. We'll see how long I can manage it.

Do you have any resolutions this year? I would love to hear about them. Any more original than mine? Cheers and Happy New Year!


  1. I hate getting out of bed in the mornings. I don't like the cold and I'm lazy and like to just lay around. This morning, I got out of bed an hour earlier than usual because someone called Jason's cell phone and I couldn't get back to sleep. Normally I would have just laid there for the full hour but I got up. Took a quick shower, got dressed, ate breakfast, had coffee and then Z&L woke up. I was SHOCKED at what a good mood I was in for them all morning. Most mornings, I grumble through breakfast and my bad day starts as they throw their cheerios across the room begging for my attention as I drink my coffee and eat my own breakfast. I think I'll try getting up early again tomorrow...but it sure is cold tonight, I'll have to force myself (or keep slippers by the bed).

  2. Val, I am the same way in the mornings. I HATE to get out of bed. I love to just lay there and be lazy. While this has been a challenge, it has also been as transformative for me as you described in your comment. I am a much better mommy if I have time to myself in the morning.
