Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Unexpected Lesson

Husband and I took Sweet Pea to the Nutcracker last weekend. We are hoping to infuse a love of the arts in our little ladies. We visit museums regularly, but this was to be her first live performance. I was unsure how well she would behave. Sitting still is not her strong point. However, I was hopeful we would have fun.

We arrived at the theater a bit late, but still before the show started. Our seats were close to the stage as we were hoping a good seat would hold Sweet Pea's interest in the ballet. Once we were settled, I realized that we were surrounded by little girls all dressed in their holiday finery. They were all adorable. It was hard not to hug and kiss them all. As I was admiring the cute kiddos, my gaze happened across one particular child. She was tall, so I expect she was around 7 years old. I noticed her father carrying her everywhere. At first I thought that was a bit strange, until I looked closer. She was wearing a beautiful black and white long dress. She had on a matching white hat with a black bow. Then it struck me. She was wearing a hat inside. Her sweet father had a shaved head. She has cancer. I have no idea if she was too tired to walk or if her daddy just could not put her down. I believe it was the latter.

Can you imagine what that sweet family is facing? I think if one of my little ladies was struck with a life threatening illness, I would carry her everywhere too. I would want to hold her as much as possible. I would probably sleep with her. While I attended the ballet expecting Sweet Pea to have a cultural lesson, I was not expecting to be the one educated. Please remember to hold your children this Christmas. Hug them in a way that makes them push you away because it is too much hugging. Help them learn about the importance of giving to those who are sick and are in need. We are going to be doing our part, I hope you will too.

1 comment:

  1. this is why I lost 10 pounds when we moved to the 9th floor of MD Anderson. Pediatric Oncology.
