Monday, March 1, 2010

Call it what it is - parenting!

Why do some women call their husbands babysitters?  I understand that we are our children's primary caretakers.  Trust me, I get it.  However, if the father of your children is giving you a break to go out and have some fun, sans children, why is it sometimes called babysitting?  Do these fathers usually have no responsibilities where the kids are concerned?  I realize that fifty years ago many fathers left all child-rearing to the mothers.  However, haven't we gone beyond that stage in this day and age?  Aren't our husbands simply parenting our kids when we go to a movie for a few hours? 

Sorry to rant, but this has been bothering me lately.  Husband and I share parenting responsibilities.  While I may manage the day to day home, he is out providing what we need.  Those roles are both important.  So, to those women who ask their husbands to babysit, please stop.  Ask them if they are busy, if they have important plans.  If the answer is no, then tell them you are heading out while they parent the kids alone for a few hours.  Then leave the house.  Do not feel guilty.  Do not call 200 times.  Enjoy yourself girlfriend, I guarantee you have earned it.

1 comment:

  1. oh lord, if Jason ever said he would babysit the kids, I think I may hurt him...
