Saturday, February 20, 2010


The little ladies and Husband all have some sort of winter cold.  The kind where you are tired, snotty, cranky, and have a constant sore throat.  Did I mention the snot?  Sweet Pea is mostly able to handle her own snot.  She may need a friendly reminder to use a tissue every now and then, but she is mostly self-sufficient.  Panda Girl is not.  She seems to be covered in a thin layer of snot all the time these days.  With her it is difficult to tell if it is a cold or just teething.  I suppose it does not really matter because the end result is the same: snot.

This morning when Sweet Pea woke up and I was hanging out in her room with her, I started thinking about when she was a baby.  I have no idea what brought on this sudden nostalgia, but I indulged myself.  While she was a difficult baby, she was also adorable.  She loved to jump and move.  Then I realized that she is already four.  She is potty trained.  She can eat by herself.  She can dress herself.  She even knows most of her manners.  She is suddenly interested in learning to read.  It has gone quicker than I imagined possible.

Panda Girl is hitting "that" stage.  She will be two in April.  I have been dreading this stage a bit, but I am realizing she will be very different from her big sister.  Panda Girl has a much higher tolerance for frustration and has more self-control than her sister.  Hopefully this will translate into an "easier" kiddo.  Sweet Pea just about killed me at this stage, so I am hoping Panda Girl will go easy on her mommy.  However, I am being careful not to wish the next two years away. I know they will fly by on their own.  At that point all will be able to handle snot by themselves, except for maybe Husband.

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