Monday, August 31, 2009


Today Sweet Pea started preschool. Since she was able to meet her teachers on Friday, she was excited today. Today she will go to motor skills class (sort-of like PE) and Spanish class. She will also have the typical snack time, playground time, arts and crafts time that she will have each day she attends school. The potty breaks are even scheduled. While I think this will be really good for her, I wonder if she will get overloaded by the schedule. Will it be too much? Or, will the schedule allow her to thrive because, once she knows it, she will know exactly what to expect? My fervent prayer is for the latter. Thus far in her three plus years, she has always thrived on schedules. She loves her morning routine so much that I have to make sure she is up by 8 (at the latest) in order for her to complete said routine before school starts at 9.

I also love a morning routine. This summer we had a nice one going. Most mornings we did not have to be out the door until after Panda Girl's morning nap. That fact made for some nice slow mornings in our home. Now, we need to be out the door around 8:45 each day. I know many of you have to be gone hours before that time. I honestly don't know how you do it each day. Since I am NOT a morning person, that would be torture to me. I am awed by your efficiency and energy. Thus, with the start of the new school year, I also must create a new routine. One that allows me some quiet time in the morning to myself. One that allows me to be a pleasant and helpful mommy. One that allows for protein in the morning. One that will feel as comfortable as our summer, just sped up a bit. One that also allows for a little bit of fun for the kiddos.

If you have older kids or are a working mommy (good for you) and have any good tips, please leave them in the comments. This school newbie is all for suggestions. I hope you had a great morning!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a working Mom, but I have a new routine that you might like...I'm doing Beth Moore's Believing God study online right now so I get up & watch a 10-15 min video segment on my laptop before getting out of bed. Even if I don't have enough time/energy to do a full QT, I can still get in the right frame of mind & meditate on the message throughout my day.
