Tuesday, October 6, 2009


It's official. I am officially one of "those" moms. I am the mom who is taking the easy way out. I am dodging the proverbial bullet. I don't feel one bit guilty.

Each year my parents do something special with each little lady on her half birthday. When Sweet Pea turned two and a half, she was obsessed with fish. So, her grandparents took her to get her very own beta. We found him a nice spot on the kitchen counter that was devoid of direct sunlight and drafts. The little ladies could not reach him without assistance. He was blue and surprisingly interactive. He liked to "dance" whenever we approached his bowl. I even found myself talking to him from time to time. He was a very good listener.

A couple weeks ago we noticed Mr. Fish was not looking very good. We changed his water and looked up fish ailments on the internet. Alas, it was not enough. I came downstairs one morning to see Mr. Fish at the bottom of his bowl, devoid of life. I do not handle dead fish. It is not my thing. So, once Husband was home, Mr. Fish was properly disposed of, or so I am told. As I said, it's not my thing. I prayed the little ladies would not notice. I was not interested in explaining death due to a very small, although loved, fish.

This morning Sweet Pea asked where Mr. Fish was hiding. I simply replied that he was sleeping. Thankfully, she accepted my explanation and was quickly on to the next thing. However, I realized I had a problem on my hands. I needed an explanation. I needed to be loving and sweetly explain that Mr. Fish went to fish heaven to be with God. I needed to find a replacement. Today. This morning after taking Panda Girl and Sweet Pea to school, I headed to the pet store. There, in all his glory was Mr. Fish's long lost twin.

Thus, I am that parent today. I am not feeling equal to the task of explaining death to my three year old. I am cheating. Do you think she will notice? Let's hope she won't, because I am a huge coward.

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